The LWVOR Child Care Update study committee is asking local Leagues to find out a little about childcare in their area. At our January 20 membership meeting, we will ask for volunteers to form a committee to do the requested interviews. Here is the request that we received:
As part of the Child Care Update Study for the League of Women Voters of Oregon, we are asking local Leagues to find out a little about childcare in their area. We would like volunteers from your League to interview principals from a few childcare providers in your area. If possible, interview one school age before and/or after care program and one program that accepts infants or toddlers or is a preschool program. We would welcome information from as many providers as you are willing to interview. You may find programs in your area using the “Find Child Care Oregon 211” website as a guest. Note that you can search for licensed and licensed-exempt centers and homes. Another way to find programs to interview is to contact local grade schools to see if they have before and after school programs, ask any working parents that you know who they use, and check local message boards. We would like to have the questionnaires returned to us by March 15, 2022. If you have any questions or problems, contact Kathleen Hersh. – (A 4-page questionnaire was provided.)