The League of Women Voters (LWV) of Lincoln County is hosting League of Women Voters of Oregon (LWVOR) Council 2020, May 15 – 17, 2020, at the Best Western Agate Beach Inn in Newport. That date is fast approaching and we have much to do to assure a successful Council. Ruth Kistler is recruiting a Hospitality Committee of 3 – 4 local League members to get this work done. We will work with the state League’s Events Committee on a theme, workbook cover, and speakers for the event. We have already arranged a welcoming speaker for the opening session. County Commissioner Kaety Jacobson has graciously agreed to be that speaker. Prior to Council, the Hospitality Committee needs to: Provide centerpieces for podium and meal tables; secure U.S. flag and Oregon state flag for business meeting; organize Dine-a-Round, select restaurants, secure menus, & prepare sign-up sheets; •select and obtain materials about local attractions and a list of self-directed tours/activities to be inserted into attendee packets; secure entertainment for banquet; do the PR; and write articles for local League newsletter and the LWVOR Voter. During Council, we’ll need 3 or 4 members to register delegates, prepare the credentials report, and serve as pages during Council business sessions (e.g., count votes, assist with microphone). For many of our members, this will be their first exposure to LWVOR Council.

It will be a great opportunity to meet extraordinary, dedicated members from other Oregon Leagues. Hosting Council at Newport will expose other Leaguers to our wonderful Central Coast attractions. It will be exciting and challenging.