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May 19th = Primary Day! by Georgia Roelof

Just in case you forgot, Tuesday, May 19th, is Primary Day here in Oregon. If you haven’t received your ballot, call the Lincoln County Clerk’s Office [(541) 265-4131] to find out why. Once in hand, study your ballot carefully, knowing how important it is to cast an informed vote. And remember that some of the non-partisan races may well be decided at the primary level (if one candidate receives 51% or more of the votes cast). In Oregon, we are fortunate to have a vote-by-mail system that makes it easy to vote and, considering the current COVID-19 pandemic, not compromise your health at the same time. Check out to learn where the candidates stand on important issues and then VOTE! This year you can mail your ballot without a stamp (the state will cover the cost); just make sure it’s in the mail by Wednesday, May 13th. NOTE - postmarks do NOT count, so mail early! If you put your ballot in a drop-box, the deadline is 8 pm on Tuesday, May 19th.

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